Hot and Cold-Water Tanks
Water Tank cleaning and other works

Cold Water Tank Cleaning and Disinfection
Over time, water storage tanks begin to build-up deposits of scale and sediment. In accordance with annual inspections, your water systems may need to be cleaned and disinfected to guarantee safe water.
In some cases, cold water tanks may not show clear evidence of dirt, scale or sediment, however, this does not mean that your water is deemed safe and fit for use. Water system sampling is necessary to identify cleanliness and in the case of poor results, disinfection will need to take place and control measures put in place.
Cold Water Tank Insulation
Having sufficient & compliant insulation fitted to your cold water tank is essential to controlling the risk of an outbreak.
This will avoid thermal gain within your cold water tank by preventing water temperatures to rise above compliant parameters of 20 degrees. Insulation is also proof of a conscious effort to control and prevent the risk of outbreak and keeping the end-users safe.
Cold Water Tank Lid
Dust, dirt, insects & rodents contain significant amounts of bacteria that could contaminate your building’s water system. Having a tightly sealed lid with the correct kit is integral to ensure safe water.
Cold water storage tanks are usually located in warm dusty areas, having a sealed lid is vital to keeping cold water systems clean and safe.
Hot Water Cylinder Inspection
Inspecting a hot water cylinder internally is an annual legal requirement. This allows an engineer or specialist to evaluate the internal conditions of stored hot water. Hot water cylinders/calorifiers build up large amounts of scale and cause high proliferation conditions for the growth of Legionella.
Scale acts as a nutrient source for the Legionella bacterium. If large sums of scaled or sediment are found on an inspection a physical clean and descale ensures these nutrient sources are removed thus eliminating the risk of Legionella proliferation.
Hot Water Cylinder Insulation
Having compliant cylinder insulation fitted is essential for water temperature control. To avoid thermal gain within your hot water cylinder and allowing the internal water temperatures to increase/decrease above or below compliant parameters of 60 degrees.
Failure to have sufficient insulation fitted could result in an outbreak of Legionella, as time goes on hot water cylinders build upscale throughout their internal surfaces. This acts as a nutrient source for the growth of Legionella proliferation if the stored internal temperature is not 60 degrees.
Hot Water Disinfection
To avoid the proliferation and growth of the Legionella bacterium and other water-born bacteria’s a chlorination or disinfection of water systems is essential. Once a disinfection or chlorination has taken place the building will receive a clean bill of health. Accurate control measures performed repeatedly will ensure clean and safe water is provided on an ongoing basis.
Hot and Cold Water Disinfection
To avoid the proliferation and growth of the legionella bacterium and other water-born bacteria’s a chlorination or disinfection to your water systems are essential to controlling all water born bacterium within a water system. Once disinfection or chlorination has taken place and has been conducted correctly this will give your building a clean bill of health that alongside accurate control measures that are being done repeatedly will ensure you are providing clean, safe water.